21 juli 2022

COVID19 :  As we all know it is the Ba5 variant of Omicron that is now the dominating variant in most countries. However, there is a new  variant that is on the horizon. Its name is Centaurus – better known as Ba2.75 It is unclear yet what the full implications are for our markets. Having said that: what we can learn from experience in India is that this subvariant is spreading at double the rate of  Ba5. And at the same time being comparable to the original Ba.1 Omicron virus. It looks like an arms race between the virus and the human immune system.  Every new variant tries to circumvent our human immune system, then vaccines and infections gradually rebuild our defences. This until a new variant emerges…..  And this is what exactly happened with the flu, but the Corona virus seems to change more quickly. It is uncertain to tell if new variants become less “dangerous” for us [as what some experts are predicting] or if a completely new variant will emerge – as what happened when Omicron emerged. Living with Covid means that either we take this “cat-and-mouse game” serious or we just ignore what is happening.

Implications and Expectations:

The recommendation is to take the virus still serious and all try to minimise the number of infections. Because yes, the number of deaths is reducing, but at the same time a frightening number of long Covid victims is being recorded.   The laundry protocol for the Corona Virus – as reported earlier – is still valid. The five day quarantine storage of incoming linen is only valid for those linens that can’t be washed at high temperature [like delicates] and no low temperature with guranteed disinfection process is at hand.

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