Asteria Cleaners in London (UK) launches online mobile app (BCS)

18 februari 2016

Uitgelichte afbeelding voorAsteria Cleaners in London (UK) launches online mobile app (BCS)

London-based Asteria Cleaners is announcing the release of its mobile application on both Android and iOS. The startup provides a high quality on-demand dry cleaning concierge service for busy Londoners. By launching the online mobile service, the company believes to help busy professionals, who are living in London, to make their work-week less stressfull and more convenient. Asteria Cleaners has said in a statement that most of the busy professionals in London work more than 48 hours a week and this number has increased by 21% over the past 5 years. By this, the company believes that it will attract a lot of customers, who can create accounts using their email, facebook or Google+ to make orders, track orders and arrange payments. Dry cleaning services are available 7 days a week between 7am to 11pm. The start-up has launched their website about a year ago, while the mobile application was released recently.

Source: ResponseSource, Press release Wire

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